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Do you support the accession of Turkey to the EU?

Arguments for and against Turkey's accession to the EU

There are several arguments in favor of Turkey's accession to the European Union (EU). One key argument is that the passage to EU membership could provide the incentive Turkey needs to shrug off emerging authoritarian tendencies and commit fully to democracy. Additionally, public opinion in Turkey seems to favor the EU as the closest partner in dealing with international matters. A survey conducted by Jiménez found that citizens who believe Turkey's membership will foster mutual comprehension between Europe and Islam are more likely to support it. These arguments suggest that Turkey's accession to the EU could promote democratic values and strengthen international partnerships.

On the other hand, there are also arguments against Turkey's accession to the EU. According to a survey, less than half of Turks expressed a desire for EU membership, indicating deep ambivalence towards the EU across party lines. Furthermore, no EU member state favors unconditional accession for Ankara. Some critics argue that Turkey's human rights record and restrictions on media freedom need significant improvement before it can meet the EU's standards. These arguments highlight concerns about Turkey's readiness to meet the criteria for EU membership and the potential challenges it may pose to the EU's values and institutions.

The question of whether or not to support Turkey's accession to the EU is a complex and contentious one. It is important to consider the various arguments and perspectives on this topic. We invite you to take part in the survey "Do you support the accession of Turkey to the EU?" on our website and share your opinion in the comments section. Your input will contribute to a better understanding of public sentiment and the diverse viewpoints surrounding this issue. Let your voice be heard and participate in shaping the discourse on Turkey's potential accession to the EU.

Do you support the accession of Turkey to the EU?

According to our data for "Do you support the accession of Turkey to the EU?" research there is 59.47% voted "No", and 40.53% voted "Yes". The survey was conducted all over the world. Data as of July 25, 2023.

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Voted: 242
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