How do you feel about the latest CNN town hall with Trump?
Public opinion on the latest CNN town hall with Trump
Public opinion on the latest CNN town hall with Trump has been mixed. Some viewers had positive reactions to Trump's performance and responses, particularly among his supporters. ABC News political director Rick Klein noted that Trump's appearance felt like a throwback to his past national angst, and that he gave long, twisting answers to questions from the audience and moderator. Additionally, the GOP-heavy crowd loved Trump's greatest-hits medley of his false election claims and Jan. 6 explanations. Trump's supporters may have found his performance reassuring and energizing as he begins to sell his 2024 plans to a broader audience.
On the other hand, some viewers had negative reactions to Trump's behavior and demeanor during the town hall. Facing questions from the audience and moderator, Trump insisted falsely that the 2020 election was rigged. He also dug in on his 2020 lies and dodged on abortion, which may have turned off some viewers. Furthermore, former Trump aide Michael Caputo criticized Trump's performance, saying that he "rambled and repeated himself" and "did not come across well". These negative reactions may have been more prevalent among those who do not support Trump or his policies.
What do you think about the latest CNN town hall with Trump? We want to hear from you. Take part in our survey "How do you feel about the latest CNN town hall with Trump?" on our website and share your opinion in the comments. As public opinion continues to shape the political landscape, it is important to hear from a diverse range of voices on this and other important issues.